Frosh Friday: wrestling longboarder looks forward to tackling high school
Name: Dimitri Antoniou
Middle School: Middle School North
Q: What are you most excited for going into high school?
A: Sports. Mainly wrestling because I was on the wrestling team in middle school. I’m going to try out for the high school team as well.
Q: What do you like about wrestling?
A: It’s competitive. I like competition. It’s also hard work. If you do wrestling, you are in the best shape of your life, so that’s nice. It’s a way to take out anger and stuff as well.
Q: Did your enjoyment of wrestling lead to any wins?
A: I was okay. Not the best on the team. I didn’t win every match of course but I was still better than the average person.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
A: Longboarding with my friends. I go just about every day if it isn’t raining.
Q: What have you learned about yourself and your skills at longboarding?
A: I’m okay, well, pretty bad. I’ll do some stupid stuff sometimes like not paying attention and putting my foot in the wrong place then falling off. I’ll hit a rock sometimes. Other than that I’m okay. I can cruise around and turn really fast. I can do some sliding stuff too. You don’t have to worry about anything you’re carrying because it doesn’t matter on a longboard. I guess what I like about it is the feeling of a big board. You don’t have to worry about having your feet crunch together. It’s just the freedom of moving around everywhere.

The Incredible Jim has been in the journalism program for 4 years and is in his second year on staff. Jim plays guitar and plays for the varsity tennis...