Studying around the world
LZHS students plan to study abroad
Photo by Lindsey Bitzer
There are several possibilities seniors can take towards their future outside of the country. For some, studying abroad is their top choice.
There are many paths to take after graduating high school, life after high school looks different for everyone. A lot of students stay in the states and attend a university, but some choose to further their education someplace new. Studying abroad is becoming more common for U.S. high school students, according to; more than 45% of graduates study abroad.
Even though leaving your home country is different than leaving your home state or even your hometown, that doesn’t stop many students who want to take their studies to another country. According to Rhea Prakash, senior, Europe or Australia are where she is looking to pursue her interests.
“[I want to] study chemical engineering somewhere in Europe or possibly Australia for new experiences and to familiarize myself with the area and learn its culture,” Prakash said.
Similar to Prakash, Kelly McKinley, senior, also intends on studying abroad in Europe, specifically, London, England, or Paris, France.
“I want to go to France to study dance because it would be amazing to see dance in the real world, and compare and contrast the different styles and types of artists while sharing ideas and learning about the culture,” McKinley said.
No matter where these two seniors end up going, there are so many unique and exciting experiences that come with leaving your home country according to both Prakash and McKinley, and learning about the culture of new places is one factor that both students look forward to.
“I am very excited to see different monuments, and I want to do tours of the place’s history. I also want to experience and learn about the food,” Prakash said.
The monuments, history, and food are usually the main attractions for tourists and students when visiting other countries, but McKinley wants to experience more activities that center around her studies.
“I would love to meet new people and immerse myself in the culture, trying different foods, listening to new music, and taking adventures,” McKinley said. “I would also love to see dance performances and possibly perform and share ideas and collaborate with other artists as well if I get the chance.”
Along with talking to your college counselor or guidance counselor, there are other ways to research and apply to colleges abroad. According to McKinley, helps a lot when you are needing more information about studying abroad.
“I have always wanted to study abroad so I do not have many doubts, but I do think I could face uncomfortable or stressful situations whether that be getting lost in a new place, missing home, not understanding a language, or not knowing certain customs that are present in another country,” McKinley said.
Although doubts are common when traveling to new countries according to Prakash, it is always good to have supporters to help you carry out your college plans. For Prakash, her parents are some of her biggest supporters.
“[My parents] are very excited as they know how much I love traveling. They are very supportive and encouraging with my interest and plans in studying abroad,” Prakash said.
Studying abroad requires traveling but these two seniors both have a passion for traveling as it is one of the factors that intrigued them about the chance of studying abroad.
“I love to travel, so studying abroad has always been something I want to do. Studying abroad is a great way to try something new and get out of your comfort zone while learning about a new culture and going into the real world. It’s also a way to connect with others around the world and make new friends,” McKinley said.

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