Reflecting on younger times
Nostalgia for elementary school
Photo by Infographic by Ruby Lueras
With no finals, midterms or even an 80/20 grading system, elementary school was a time of little stress for many. In fact, 47.6% of students would go back to elementary school if they could, according to a Bear Facts Student Media survey of 353 students. The memories made in elementary school often evoke a feeling of nostalgia for students, here are four students’ opinions on the topic.
Sarah Monoson (senior)
“The lessons I learned in elementary school definitely shaped me into who I am today,” Monoson said. “I learned a lot about how to choose the right friends, […] how to be a good student, and how to overall stay out of trouble. The child that I was in elementary school is still a good representation of who I am today.”
Although Monoson has nothing but fond memories of her times in elementary school, she says she would not go back if she had the choice. According to Monoson, she would rather look back at the memories made instead of reliving them.
“Elementary school was a happier place with less stress, I specifically remember my third-grade teacher Mrs. Lindquist would always go out of her way to make every person in her class feel special, and I always remember her being super creative to spice up her lessons,” Monoson said. “Since I had a great time at elementary school with no regrets, I would just want to keep the memories I’ve already made, without going back to them.”
Even though relationships made in elementary school may not last a lifetime, the memories made with those friends will, according to Monoson
“I keep in touch with my elementary school friends, although I would not call any of them my best friends today. My friend group slowly grew apart when middle school and high school came around,” Monoson said. “However, my elementary school friends will always hold a special place in my heart whenever I reflect back on my childhood.”
Jacob Belovitz (sophomore)
“My most vivid memories from elementary school all stem from performing arts. Specifically, I was apart of the 5th grade musical 101 Dalmatians Junior. I have a very fond recollection of sitting in rehearsals and loving being there with all the people,” Belovitz said. “From this show, I was able to learn my love for the performing arts and now I am able to look back and remember the genuine joy I felt.”
In elementary school, students have one primary teacher that you spend most of your day with, according to Belovitz. Due to this, these teachers have the ability to mold their students into the people they are today.
“My fifth-grade teacher Mrs. Wheeland [had a huge impact on me] because she had such a positive outlook on life and had begun to shape me into the analytical and creative thinker that I am to this day,” Belovitz said. “Also, my choir and music teacher Mrs. Kluckner has always been influential to me and started my passion for music and singing, which I will forever be grateful for.”
Although Belovitzs passions in life originated from elementary school, he still believes that high school and the experiences in high school are truly better.
“In high school, I am allowed to have the ability to make my own decisions and choices that I may not have been able to make in elementary school,” Belovitz said. “Since I am older now, I do not need to follow a strict set of guidelines that I used to due to my inexperience as a child.”
Alina Malin (junior)
“For me, I totally would go back to elementary school since it was so peaceful and stress-free. Also, that means silly bands would be back!” Malin said. “I also miss having pajama days as a reward for your class being well behaved.”
Malin’s favorite memories of elementary school include the ‘revolutionary war days’ where students go to “play games and make revolutionary war food in the back soccer field” and the 5th grade trip to Taft. However, she still prefers highschool over elementary school.
“In high school, I have so many more opportunities to do the things I love with the people I love on a much more sophisticated level. But, elementary school got me started with all my passions,” Malin said. “I learned a lot about performing in elementary school and that was the time that definitely started my love for theatre.”
Maeve Griffin (senior)
“Elementary school has definitely shaped me into the person I am today. [Because of elementary school], I was able to begin exploring many hobbies like reading and music that I still pursue to this day,” Griffin said. “Elementary school gave me a great first opportunity to see what pursuits I naturally gravitated to.”
One thing Griffin misses the most about elementary school is the free time she had, which is now difficult to find with her busy schedule.
“I miss having free time to spend outdoors or on my hobbies, [for example] when I was in elementary school I always remember dreaming up games to play with my friends during recess since we all had such active imaginations at that age,” Griffin said. “High school schedules are very work-intensive so it is sometimes hard to make time for extra activities that I may want to do.”
According to Griffin, elementary school and high school both have their highs and lows but that most high school students “would be grateful for a respite from the complicated academic and social scene” that is prevalent in high school.
“It’s so hard to compare them because each certainly have completely different goals. For elementary school, I loved the way it encouraged creativity and a total love of learning that may not one hundred percent be found in high school,” Griffin said. “But I appreciate the challenge and the autonomy of high school, so I do not know if I would go back.”

As a senior, this will be Ruby's third year on staff and first year as LZ Life Editor. When Ruby is not in the journalism room you can find her running...