Scouting for oppurtunity
Girls and boys across America and in the area serve their community
Photo by Photo used with permission of Bryan Slaughter
Slaughter and other scouts go white water rafting. This trip is one of many adventure opportunities that he has had as part of a Boy Scouts troop.
With millions of participants across the country, Scouting has become a program that equips young boys and girls with life skills, as well as providing them with unique opportunities.
Individuals learn how to be well rounded people, and with their troop, they work together to serve their community. Besides occasional meetings, boy and girl scouts keep busy with volunteer work and other experiences that vary from group to group. Bryan Slaughter, senior and Life Scout, joined in third grade as a Cub Scout and is currently the second-highest rank.
“I just enjoy [boy scouts]. I enjoy all the activities we do like camping, hiking, biking, and traveling,” Slaughter said.
Slaughter traveled to Glacier National Park in Montana as a part of High Adventure, an outdoor experience that provides unique opportunities for scouts across America, according to Boy Scouts of America.
“There [are] certain Boy Scout high adventure camps, [and] I’m pretty sure you have to reserve a spot. [As a troop] you can plan [these] trips,” Slaughter said.
David Nolan, senior and Eagle Scout (highest rank), has gone on three High Adventure trips and is going on is fourth this summer, according to Nolan. He has been to Sea Bass in Florida, Yellowstone, and Voyagers National Park.
Paige Grossenbacher, sophomore and Cadet, joined the program around 1st grade when a group of girls at Seth Paine formed a troop.
Grossenbacher says the group has “interesting experiences, and I do learn a lot because, [for example], we went on a field trip to a farm recently and I learned a lot of interesting [information] there,” Grossenbacher said.
“When we were younger, we stayed overnight at the Field Museum. I learned a lot of good information, [and it] was also really fun just hanging out with my Girl Scout friends,” Grossenbacher said.
Currently, Grossenbacher and her troop members are working on the gold award. This award is one of the biggest they are working up to. Eighty hours of service is required, and the girls get to create their own project, according to Grossenbacher.
“My idea currently is to go around and try and support, our local dog shelters and try and raise money to get supplies,” Grossenbacher said.
Nolan had to do a similar project in order to earn Eagle scout. He built the sensory garden at Special Recreation Association of Central Lake County. Nolan chose this as his project because they are a nonprofit organization, and they had always wanted to do something like this but did not have the money, according to Nolan.
“I had boxes with soft plants so people could touch them. A pathway so people with wheelchairs [could] get in there. [I] put a trumpet vine, so hummingbirds and butterflies would come on with a bunch of other colorful plants,” Nolan said
Both Slaughter and Nolan would encourage others to join Boy Scouts. It is a “fun experience you can do with all your friends,” Slaughter said. It is a good opportunity to “meet new people with similar interests,” Nolan said.
“You can do a lot of fun things through Boy Scouts,” Slaughter said. “Like if you enjoy hiking or camping or just hanging out with your friends for a weekend.”

Sophia Babcock is a senior and this is her third year on staff and fourth year in the journalism program. This year she is excited to take on the role...