Starting early, importance of a strong GPA throughout high school
Photo by Photo by Sreelikhi Vangavolu
Maintaining your GPA throughout high school is important, according to Michael Zaucha, sophomore. GPA is an important factor for certain clubs like Tri-M and NHS.
Ever since students are young, it is ingrained in their brain that their GPA is the most important aspect that will get them into a good college, according to Michael Zaucha, sophomore.
Why freshman should start early:
A high schooler’s GPA is something that follows them from freshman year to graduation, but students should start worrying about it early on in their high school careers, and the effect it will have on them.
“Freshman should start early because the way GPA is cumulatively weighted, the first year counts the most,” Kirsten Mazurkiewicz, senior, said. “But of course the genuine reason why is that strong study habits should be solidified during this year so that further growth can be made in the future.”
Along with strengthening their habits, by starting early, they can also build up a strong base for their GPA, according to Zaucha.
“If their GPA starts out lower it’s more difficult for it to be brought up again as going up in grade level, such as sophomore junior and senior, doesn’t affect your GPA as much as you go up,” Zaucha said. “ If it starts higher it’s more difficult to lower it as years go on, but it’s still necessary to maintain grades.”
Having a good GPA throughout high school:
Along with starting a strong foundation for GPA early, there are many reasons as to why students should maintain their GPA throughout high school.
“Depending on what you want to accomplish in your life and what you want people to think of you and how others view you as a student, [it’s important to maintain your GPA],” Zaucha said. “Also it makes you a more desirable candidate for colleges and when getting a job because it will show dedication and willingness to put forth effort, if your GPA is good, it reflects how you are as a student.”
More than a GPA, it’s a number that could essentially determine your future, according to Mazurkiewicz.
“It’s important because, as a cumulative figure, it is reflective of whether you put in your best effort in different kinds of classes over a long time,” Mazurkiewicz said.
Clubs that focus on GPA:
With numerous clubs in LZ, like NHS(National honors society) and Tri-M(Music honor society), that focus on a students’ GPA, clubs like these encourage students to maintain a high GPA.
“NHS and Tri-M are honor societies, so their activities, like tutoring or teaching other students, require that you be up on your own work to an excelling level,” Mazurkiewicz said. “They require having a high GPA.”
With a strong skill set, having a strong GPA ensures success in clubs which focus on GPA.
“Clubs like NHS and Tri-M emphasize having a good GA, because it all goes into applications and how you’re able to handle doing many things and still maintaining good grades and being able to manage your time while still doing other activities,” Zaucha said.
Ways to boost your GPA:
For a student in high school, there are many effective ways to boost a GPA.
“You can boost your GPA, by taking honors and AP classes but also, more importantly making sure you are deliberate about the classes you take, in terms of getting, for instance, an A in a class that you used to struggle with,” Mazurkiewicz said. “This of course, demands great study habits like progressively and consistently studying to prepare for summatives.”

As a senior, this is Sreelikhi's third year on staff and second year as the Spotlight Editor. She is a member of the Varsity Tennis team, a member of the...