Who needs Starbucks? Drama Club hosts Annual Coffee House
The PAC was filled with music, laughs, and monologues as students cuddled up on stage shared blankets, pillows, and food with their friends for Drama Club’s annual Coffee House fundraiser.
“I decided to finally do Coffee House because one of my friends literally texted me the day before and said ‘let’s do Coffee House’. We ended up learning two songs to play two hours before we had to get there,” Rachel Moore, sophomore, said.
Drama Club encouraged groups and individuals within and even outside of the club to perform among their friends and peers. As the various acts climbed onto the stage throughout the night, others could buy a few cookies, sit down, and enjoy the other acts. Whether they wanted to sing a rendition of a few warm Christmas song way ahead of the Yuletide season, recite cheesy jokes found online, or share their unique laugh, the warmth of coffee and the appreciation of others’ performances united those sitting on the stage.
“I think everyone had their own favorite acts. I personally really liked when Mike Joynt and Vince O’Brill shared those jokes because I’m naturally a really punny person. I love cheesy jokes,” Collin Rasbid, junior Drama Club member, said. “I know some of my friends were rolling their eyes during their performance, but I really enjoyed it.”
Like Moore and her friends, many were compelled to get up on stage and ‘wing it’ for the first time for charity. A few fan favorites included Nathan Holbrook on the piano, Theresa Davis’ dance to ‘Hit the Road Jack,’ and among weirder things, Jack Derleth’s performance of ‘Smelly Cat.’
Sales of tickets, coffee, and other baked goods received a total of $590 from club members and nonmembers alike.
“It cost $5 to get in, all of the food is cheap, and I think that since it’s one of our main contributions to charity bash, it was a really good $5 to spend,” Rasbid said. “Instead of just giving your $5 away, you’re actually getting some entertainment out of it with your friends.”

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