Middle school bands perform on Friday night
Photo by Danna Tabachnik
Beating Lake Forest’s football team is notthe only thing that Lake Zurich will be doing on Friday night. On September 30, seventh and eighth graders from both district middle schools will be joining the high school marching band during the halftime show.
The high school band will perform their regular routine until the middle schoolers will march on to the field and play “Anyway You Want It,” as the show finale, according to Peyton Gagliardi, junior marching band member.
“I’m excited [for the middle schoolers] because football games are fun and you get free tickets,” Gagliardi said. “[Friday night will be] a taste of marching band. It’s a ton of fun and you get to meet the new high schoolers.”
Gagliardi isn’t the only one who is excited to perform on Friday Night. Rudy Tabachnik, Lake Zurich Middle School North seventh grader, is also looking forward to the halftime show and high school band in general.
“[The halftime show] might help me get over my stage fright,” Tabachnik said. “I actually have a lot of freshmen friends that were in eighth grade last year and [I want to] meet new people from all around [Lake Zurich], including Middle School South.”
Whether as a spectator or as a band member, Friday night’s game against Lake Forest should be an exciting event to attend. The student section theme is blackout.

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