Mr. LZ: Meet the contestants
Noah McGarr
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A:I’m involved in lacrosse club, I’ve worked with snap a bit but other than that not that much. I have quite a few jobs that I do outside of school
Q: Three words that describe you?
A:I usually let other people decide that but I like charismatic. Leader- I think that’s a term I’ve taken on quite a few times I like to get others involved. Passionate is pretty good because basically any job or task I take on I give it 100 percent
Q: What are you most dreading in the competition?
A:The talent. I have no idea what I want to do. I’m putting so much pressure on myself to have something big and unseen before and it’s kind of messing with my head, but hopefully by the day before I’ll come up with something
Q: What are you most looking forward in the competition?
A:Getting up on stage, having fun, and entertaining people because that’s what it’s all about. It’s not about winning, it’s all about making people laugh and making people smile. i know when i went the last two years i really enjoyed it and just carrying on the tradition
Q: Who is your role model?
A: I guess I have to give it to my dad he’s taken on a lot of roles and done a lot of things for me that regular kids wouldn’t deserve or are not lucky enough to experience. He’s taught me quite a lot of life skills.
Q: What are you doing in preparation?
A: Besides meeting with my fellow acting partners Derek Rogers and Jake Murray; right now I’m struggling to get a talent only because so many people sing and I guess that’s the talent I have. If I don’t sing I want to do something that most people haven’t seen before, and if I do sing, I want to make it more interesting than just another song.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: No one should be Mr. LZ. I’d like to be Mr. LZ and there’s quite a few more people who could be Mr. LZ but I don’t think a student deserves it.
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: I’ve gotten pretty lucky to be nominated and I’m pretty excited about it, but it’s not really for myself. It’s for all of the kids who do a lot in this town and do a lot in the community because you can be involved in school, but Lake Zurich isn’t just a school. There are probably kids who weren’t lucky enough to get nominated and I’ll do it for them.
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: Zack Keller because everyone knows he’s a talented young man who has been doing things for who knows how long, and that Robert Witkowski guy. He’s got a sense of humor and he’s really smart and really witty so I feel like he’s going to get the job done
Q: What are you doing after you win the competition?
A:If I win, hopefully my man Nick Pesh can come. I’ll definitely give a shout out to that guy because he’s one of the nicest kids I’ve ever met and honestly in my book if I could just crown Mr. LZ right now it would definitely be that kid. He puts a lot into the things he does and really gives his best.
Q: What words or quote do you live by?
A: The best one would be live in the moment and I guess be a yes man because the more experiences you have on your belt, no matter if you fail or succeed in any of them, you’re going to take something from it. Someday you’re going to teach someone else what you’ve learned.
Q: Who do you owe all of your success to?
A: A few people. Obviously my parents because they raised me, they’ve been through thick and thin, they’ve given me everything they can, and they’ve always put me before themselves. Also my little brothers because when you’ve got little brothers or little sisters anyone could relate you always want to make them proud and you want to be someone that hopefully they could look up to and want to be or at least teach them what’s wrong from right.
Robert Witowski
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: Scholastic Bowl captain, student council, and secretary of senior class board.
Q:Three words that describe you?
A: Fabulous, Astounding, Humble.
Q: What are you most dreading about the competition?
A: Having to scrape my competitors crushed dreams off the soles of my shoes.
Q: What are you doing in preparation?
A: Carboloading
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A:I believe in the divine right of kings
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the the competition?
A: Dan Marshalla.
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: Laura Cohen, the greatest AP Bio teacher of all time.
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: Dan Marshalla because we are both equally charismatic.
Q: What is something that happened to you that made you who you are today?
A: The time I thought I pulled the fire alarm in eighth grade but it was actually just a small kitchen fire.
Q: What are you going to do after you win the competition?
A: Have Jack Cooney serenade me with “Careless Whisper” on his saxophone.
Q: What words do you live by?
A: “Dare to be stupid” – Weird Al Yankovic.
Q: Who do you owe all your success to?
A: The wolves that raised me.
Riley Cook
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: Well I was involved in football, but that is over, choir, and drama.
Q: What are three words that describe you?
A: Energetic, optimistic, and upbeat.
Q: What are you most dreading about the competition?
A: I don’t really care, so.
Q: What are you most looking forward to?
A:I’m really enjoying this whole tux thing. Tuxes are awesome because you get to wear a tux like once a year, but now I get to wear it twice this year and you just look so freakin awesome in them. Also getting up on stage and making a fool out of myself. I know no matter what I do I’m going to make a fool out of myself and that’s just going to be so much fun. I’m going to have a blast doing it.
Q: Who’s your role model?
A: Wolverine is my role model because, just think about it, Wolverine, he’s ;super old and he’s got awesome powers and he can just kill whatever he wants but he doesn’t. He only kills what he needs to kill. He’s awesome. Wolverine is the greatest.
Q: What are you doing in preparation?
A: Absolutely nothing. Well I mean, you know, I’m working with the squad; the three people I have to do the acting thing with. We’re going to figure something out for us, but otherwise I’ve got nothing.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: That’s a great question. Why should I? Honestly, I wish I knew. I don’t know. I’m guessing I should be it because people voted me to be on this list because I talk. I like to think of myself as a nice person. I mean, I could be wrong. I like to think people enjoy my presence because I think that’s right. I’m a very friendly person and I talk to people.
Q: Who do you want to win the competition for?
A: Well if I won it, when I win it, probably my friends. It’s like one of those things where it’s like the people who voted me on I guess.
Q: Who’s your biggest competition?
A: Probably anyone that can go out on the stage and dance worse than I can.
Q: What is something that has happened to you that makes you who you are today?
A: Well, you know, I have three older brothers so that kind of shaped who I am. Seeing them grow up in front of me and do things so now I know what to do and what not to do. I got to learn from their mistakes, luckily. Their guidance kind of helped me through and become the person I am today.
Q: What would you do to celebrate after you win the competition?
A: It’s not that it’s not a big deal, it is a big deal, but I would celebrate. It would be a lot of fun. To celebrate, I would give everyone a hug. That’s a great way to celebrate: give people hugs.
Q: What words or quote do you live by?
A: If at first you don’t succeed, try again.
Q: Who do you owe all of your success to?
A: Honest to god, my brother Noah. Pretty corny I know but still. He guided me. I kind of followed in his path in high school. He was a senior when I was a sophomore. He was the main reason I joined choir my freshmen year, because he was like ‘yo, you should do it’ and I was like ‘heck yea I should do it.’ So he pulled me into that and that’s like a huge part of my life, I mean, I’m in three choirs so that’s a huge part of my day. I think I would owe it to him because he was like the person who guided me into the direction I’m going and led me on this path.
Nick Sanders
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: Baseball and football
Q: Three words that describe you?
A: Funny, athletic, handsome
Q: What are you most dreading about the competition?
A: Lip syncing songs
Q: Who is your role model?
A: Jim Carey
Q: What are you doing in preparation for the competition?
A: Drinking a lot of chocolate milk and watching a lot of Spongebob.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: I’m the greatest kid in school.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the the competition?
A: The skits with the other competitors
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: My girlfriend Nicole and my mom.
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: Joey lindstrom because he’s handsome and almost as funny as me.
Q: What are you going to do after you win the competition?
A: I’ll go to disneyworld
Q: What words do you live by?
A: Y=x^2
Q: Who do you owe all your success to?
A: Bryce Hair
Dan Marshalla
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: Track, NHS, Band, and Student Council
Q: What are three words to describe you?
A: Handsome, gorgeous, and beautiful
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the competition?
A: Seeing what everyone else’s talents and skits end up being.
Q: What are you most dreading in the competition?
A: Having to see the reactions of the ten losers of the competition.
Q: What are you doing to prepare for Mr.LZ?
A: I’ve been spending a lot of time in front of the mirror trying to find myself and my purpose; not just for the competition, but also in life. Once you find your purpose all things are possible.
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: For my dog. If she was a person she would be my favorite person, but she’s not. Despite being old, she is young at heart and is an inspiration for all those who have to experience aging.
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: Myself, because winning depends on how well I can personally do. So if I do poorly, I will do poorly. I feel like that is the only thing that will keep me from winning.
Q: What is an event that has made you who you are today?
A: The music and words of the musical legend Kanye West. He is a true inspiration to all.
Q: What are you going to do after you win?
A: I will spend extra time with my dog.
Q: Who do you owe all of your success to?
A: My dog and the inspiration of Kanye.
Q: Why should you be Mr.LZ?
A: After the fact, I will say that I deserve to be Mr.LZ because my performances simply were the best.
Will Buchta
Q: What are three words to describe you?
A: Tall, good looking, chill
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the competition?
A: Winning
Q: What are you most dreading?
A: Losing
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: Joey Lindstrom and myself.
Q: What is an event in your life that made you who you are today?
A: Being born
Q: To whom do you owe all of your success?
A: My mom
Q: What will you do after you win?
A: Go to McDonald’s and probably get a McFlurry.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: Because I am Will Buchta and I’m tall.
Joey Lindstrom
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: Football, lacrosse, interact, working at cheer competitions, and basketball games.
Q: What are three words that describe you?
A: Intuitive, humorous, outgoing
Q: What are you most dreading in this competition?
A: Embarrassment, but I don’t think that’s really going to matter.
Q: Who is your role model?
A: I’d have to say my dad. We’ve grown closer and closer every time we interact with each other, and he’s definitely shown me a lot.
Q: What are you doing in preparation?
A: Not much, I will probably go back to my roots and learn to sing again, and I need to learn how to dance.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: I think it’s a pretty cool title, but it’s just fun. I’ll be able to say that I was Mr. LZ. But if I don’t win I could say that I was friends with Mr. LZ.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the competition?
A: My trio with Robert and Jesse, that should be exciting.
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: My little cousins and littler kids because they don’t know what Mr. LZ is and I want to be able to make an impact on people outside the competition in ways bigger than impressing them on a stage.
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: I would say all of them, I don’t think any is greater than the other. Some may have more talent, that’s for sure, but it’s really an open competition.
Q: What is something that has happened to you that made you who you are today?
A: A lot of difficulty that I’ve had, at least for football, was the adversity. Everyone faces adversity. There were conflicted opinions about my work ethic and my talent and throughout high school I’ve only become more confident in myself. It was a culmination of a lot of moments.
Q: What are you doing after you win the competition?
A: Go to Disney World obviously, and I’ll probably get like… 4 cheesecakes. I already have one, so I might as well get 4 more.
Q: What words do you live by?
A: It is what it is.
Q: Who do you owe all your success to?
A: The common athlete would say all glory to God and I definitely agree with that. My family, close friends, and teammates as well: the people that are with me through thick and thin.
Jake Murray
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: Cross Country, Interact Club (officer), mascot at the football games
Q: Three words that describe you?
A: Positive, enthusiastic, different
Q: What are you most dreading in the competition?
A: The talent section, I don’t have that many talents.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the competition?
A: I’m looking forward to seeing all the faces of the other contestants when they see that I win.
Q: Who is your role model?
A: My father
Q: What are you doing preparation?
A: I’m already practicing a month in advance. I’m trying to be responsible and not last minute.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: Because I’m one cool cat.
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: My mother
Q:Who is your biggest competition?
A: Robert Witkowski
Q: What is something that has happened to you that makes you who you are today?
A: Seeing people being mean to each other and wanting to make them happy instead of sad.
Q: What will you do after you win the competition?
A: I’m gonna go home, relax, and just party it out. Get some music going.
Q: What words or quote do you live by?
A: Just smile
Q: Who do you owe all of your success to?
A: My father
Derek Rogers
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: I’m involved with the drama club, technical theatre club, interact, I’m also in choir, and I do the shows [at school].
Q: What are three words to describe you?
A: I’m outgoing. I think I’m funny. And carefree.
Q: What are you most looking forward to?
A: I’d say [I’m looking forward to] to the talent part because I know that I’m not gonna really care, and I’m going to be random.
Q:What are you most dreading in the competition?
A: I don’t have a talent. I’m not a talented person. So I’m just gonna read Dr. Seuss super seriously and really monotone. I’m going to take it very seriously, like it is super important. I’m going to have someone on bongos.
Q: Who do you want to win the competition for?
A: I would say my grandpa. We call him “Papa”. He is a really cool person. He cares about everyone else before himself, he is really selfless.
Q: What are you doing to prepare for the competition?
A: I know that I have to write my mom’s letter because you have to do all the second round stuff too, you have to do it no matter what. I really want to take time with that too. I really care about my mom, so it’s just making sure I say the right stuff.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: I’m a fun person. I think it it’s great that we do this, and I think it would be nice to carry it on.
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: Zach or Jesse. I know they are really comfortable on stage. I know they have no shame. If they win, I will still be happy for them, obviously.
Q: What is something that made you who you are today?
A: Because I’m a type 1 diabetic, when I got diagnosed I had to get tough skin. I had to grow up faster than a lot of other kids just because I had to take care of myself early on.
Q: What are you going to do after you win?
A: After the competition, I’m just going to to be getting ready for college. I’ll finish roommate stuff.
Q: What words or quote do you live by?
A: I think you should live everyday like its your last. If you live a life with regrets, it’s not going to be a fulfilled life.
Q: Who do you owe all of your success to?
A: My parents. They raised me with a good head on my shoulders. I have a good sense of being morally correct.
Jesse Dever
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: I am involved in theater, choir, and NHS.
Q: Three words that describe you?
A: Compassionate, endearing, intimate.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the competition?
A: Probably dancing with all the other Mr. LZ contendants.
Q: What are you most dreading in the competition?
A: I’m dreading seeing Derek Rogers dance.
Q: Who’s your biggest competition?
A: Riley Cook. He’s a cool dude.
Q: Who is your role model?
A: Kent Nightlinger. He’s an amazing man. He really is.
Q: What words do you live by?
A: Craig
Q: What are you doing in preparation for the competition?
A: I’m talking to my fellow candidates who are performing a skit with me. We’re trying to figure that out and I’m also preparing my talent.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: Well I look incredible in a three-piece suit. That’s it
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: I want to win it for my two older brothers because they have both been in Mr. LZ, and yet neither of them made it all the way. I’m doing it for them.
Q: What is something that has happened to you that has make you who you are today?
A: Feel to the stage.
Q: What are you going to do after you win the competition?
A: I’m probably going to help my mom frame the ‘Letter to Mom’ because mine is going to be great.
Q: Who do you owe all your success to?
A: I’m going to owe it all to my mom because she’s shaped me into the man I am today.
Zack Keller
Q: What activities are you involved in?
A: Concert Choir, Bare Voices, Fall play, Children’s Theater, Spring Musical, NHS, Interact
Q: Three words that describe you?
A: Hardworking, tired, friendly
Q: What you most dreading in the competition?
A: Definitely, the Q&A. Even though I’m in theater, people would think I’m good at improvising, but I’m not good at improvising.
Q: What are you most looking forward in the competition?
A: Seeing everyone make a fool of themselves, including me.
Q: Who is your role model?
A: Leonardo DiCaprio
Q: What are you doing preparation?
A: I’m getting together with the two other people in my skit, Riley and Dan. I have to start practicing my song.
Q: Why should you be Mr. LZ?
A: I think I represent the school in a variety of ways
Q: Who do you want to win this competition for?
A: My mom
Q: Who is your biggest competition?
A: Jesse Dever is one of my biggest competitors. And I think Robert is hilarious.
Q: What is something that has happened to you that makes you who you are today?
A: I’ve done community and professional theater since like 4th grade. I think that’s what’s shaped me, because that’s what I’m going into now. I think that’s shaped me.
Q: What are you doing after you win the competition?
A: Go to Disneyland.
Q: What words or quote do you live by?
A: You never know who’s watching.
Q: Who do you owe all of your success to?
A: My mom

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Dominique is the LZ Life Editor (aka the best section). Aside from Bear Facts, she spends her free time with her friends and getting involved in the...