Changes in store for students
After years of anticipation and months of construction, the new Mel Eide Stadium bleachers are bigger and better than ever, and plans are in motion to take the student section up a level as well. With new faces, different dress up days, and the addition of another 1,000 students able to cheer in the stands, this year’s student section leaders are ready to support and cheer for the Bears all year long.
Noah McGarr, Senior
Q: What are you most looking forward to about being student section leader?
A: I am most looking forward to being able to bring the whole school together to support our friends and classmates as they smash all the other schools in whatever sports we play them in. Being able to hype up a huge group of students and just blow everyone’s minds with how loud we are will be a dream come true for me.
Q: How do you plan on getting people loud and crazy?
A: The best part of the student section is I don’t need a plan to get the students loud and crazy. Here at LZ, our students already have the competitive edge and passion to be the rowdiest section around. All I have to do is start the chants and go insane myself and the rest of the section will feel the energy on its own.
Q: Are there any new plans for theme days?
A: We have to keep the classics such as strictly business and blue out for Homecoming, but some of the other guys and myself have some themes up our sleeves that will turn our section from a group of students into an intimidating masterpiece. Though we don’t have a set list yet, all I can say is for students to get ready to transform from an army to a zoo and much more. A lot of different roles and themes will be implemented for all sports, not just for football.
Q: Do you have plans on how to make the student section present at sports other than just football?
A: It is definitely a goal of mine. I just feel like any sporting event can be amazing if we can get a whole crowd to go to golf, bowling, soccer, volleyball, etc. Everyone would know who LZ is and that we have the best student section in every circumstance.
Q: Are underclassmen going to be more incorporated into the student section this year?
A: This year we need all classes to participate in activities. That applies to not only standing and cheering in the student section but also to dressing up and participating in themes during the school day. With the new stands we now have way more room then we had before. If we want to be the best around, we need every student in order to fill those stands. Half the grades dressing up is cool, but imagine being a stranger walking into the LZ hallways and instead of seeing half the students dressed up, you see every single one in some sort of theme gear. That will be an awesome sight and that is the participation I’m asking our students to give this year.

Madison is on both the basketball and soccer teams, and she spends most of her summer working as a camp counselor in Wisconsin. She has been a staff member...