Stepping off into the new year
Conducting the marching band in front of 2,500 people for the halftime show at the football games requires hours of preparation and confidence. Juniors Anna Johnson and Dan Kvist were selected to lead the marching band for the new school year.
Introduction on Anna: Trumpet and Baritone player
Q: What made you want to take on this role?
A: “Band and music are my entire life. I love lzhs band more than anything and I wanted to be as big of a part of it as I could.”
Q: How did you feel when they announced the new leaders?
A: “I remember feeling my heart pounding in my chest the whole time Logan (past drum major) was reading my speech and once I realized it was me from the mention of the unnamed drum major being in the trumpet section, I was just overwhelmed and excited and terrified all at once. I just couldn’t believe that I actually did it.”
Q: What kind of training did you have to do to prepare?
A: “We had I believe five clinics where all the people who wanted to try out for drum major would meet every Monday during late start toward the end of the school year and the current drum majors would just teach us how to conduct and call commands and things like that. I went to the clinics freshman year to get extra practice but didn’t actually try out.”
Q: What are some of your fears for the year?
A: “I am terrified that the band will just fall apart during a field show because of me or that people won’t see me as a leader and just ignore me.”
Q:What are some of your responsibilities?
A: “Some of my responsibilities are making the nametags for band camp, planning the games and Olympics for camp, getting the band t-shirts for that year, cutting out and organizing the music for marching season, and doing my best to make the band look their best.”
Introduction on Dan: Trumpet player
Q: How did you feel when they announced the new drum majors?
A: “I was in shock pretty much because I was so sure that other people were going to make instead of me. So when they said my name, I really didn’t know what to do other than smile. Also, having Anna announced as the other drum major was amazing because we have been pretty good friends since freshman year so I am really looking forward to it.”
Q: How will your friendship with Anna help the band?
A: “Being friends with Anna has helped things communication wide and made it easier to get things done without much trouble. We both really wanted it so getting it together makes it a lot of fun.”
Q: What are you looking forward to for these next 2 years of being drum major?
A: “I am looking forward to growing as not only a conductor, but a leader. I’m hoping in the next two years I will develop into as good of a drum major as the ones I replaced.”
Q: How do you plan to develop as a good drum major this year?
A: “I’d say learning from experience is the best way to learn in this case. Also watching the others will help improve myself.”

Julia is Bear Facts Student Media's Business Manager and will be leaving LZHS in January to start college. Her favorite activities include taking naps...